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Temples of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry #71: Agastheeswarar Temple, Kiliyanur

அகத்தீசுவரர் திருக்கோயில், கிளியனூர்

This is an ancient Sivan temple. Of the 276 Paadal Petra Sthalams, this is the last to be listed. The pathikam is by Thirugnanasampanthar and was discovered only in the 1930s.

தார் சிறக்கும் சடைக்கு அணி வள்ளலின்

சீர் சிறக்கும் துணைப்பதம் உன்னுவொர்

பேர் சிறக்கும் பெருமொழி உய்வகை

ஏர் சிறக்கும் கிளியன்ன வூரனே.

The temple was originally a brick temple that was converted to a granite temple by Paranthaka Cholan I according to inscriptions here. The temple lacks a kodimaram and a rajagopuram.

Legend says that the sage Agasthyiar installed and consecrated the deity here. Hence the name Agastheeswarar.

The temple is undergoing repairs and renovations and all the structures were covered in scaffolding. Renovations by the HR and CE always makes me nervous because they sometimes destroy inscriptions and structures of immense historical value. They have access to the expertise of the ASI which they do not always utilize. Politics. At least the site gets a better look and is protected from encroachment. Could not take good pictures due to the construction and scaffolding.

It is located about 21 km or 30 minutes northwest of Pondicherry. We visited in May 2023. We were based in Pondicherry.

Credits: Google Maps.

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